Telemetry Extractor
This document describes Telemetry Extractor configuration file and command line parameters.
Specify an alternative column delimiter over the default tab character
Parameter | Description | Required |
Delimiter | Character or string to use as a delimiter. For example ‘,’. | True |
Insert a value into every row of the output
Telemetry Grapher produces an output file with columns for each item name. If you are graphing items from different packets, only the columns with items from that packet are populated with values. Fill down causes a particular item column to be populated with the previous value so every column is ‘filled’. This makes it easier to graph multiple values across packets in Excel.
Downsample data to only output a value every X seconds of time
Parameter | Description | Required |
Seconds | True |
Prepend the Matlab comment symbol of ‘%’ to the header lines in the output file
Only output a row if one of the extracted values has changed
This keyword is useful to extract telemetry items over a large time period by only outputting those values where items have changed
Used in conjunction with UNIQUE_ONLY to control which items should be checked for changing values
This list of telemetry items (not target names or packet names) always includes the COSMOS metadata items named RECEIVED_TIMEFORMATTED and RECEIVED_SECONDS. This is because these items will always change from packet to packet which would cause them to ALWAYS be printed if UNIQUE_ONLY was used. To avoid this, but still include time stamps in the output, UNIQUE_IGNORE includes these items. Use this keyword if you have a similar telemetry item that you want to display in the output but not be used to determine uniqueness.
Parameter | Description | Required |
Item Name | Name of the item to exclude from the uniqueness criteria. Note that all items with this name in all target packets are affected. | True |
Export telemetry items with the same name into the same column
Normally items from different packets are put in their own column in the output. If this keyword is used, items with the same name in different packets will now share one column in the output. This applies to all telemetry items with identical names. If you want to share columns for only specific items, use the SHARE_COLUMN keyword instead.
Export telemetry items with the same name into the same column
Normally items from different packets are put in their own column in the output. This keyword is used to specify specific items that are from different packets but should share one column in the output. This applies to all telemetry items with identical names. If you want to share columns for all duplicate item names in different packets, use the SHARE_COLUMNS keyword instead.
Parameter | Description | Required |
Item Name | Name of the telemtry item | True |
Item Type | Type of the telemetry item Valid Values: CONVERTED, RAW, FORMATTED, WITH_UNITS |
False |
Use TARGET PACKET ITEM as the column header for each column
Normally just the item name is used as the column header but this adds the target and packet name. Note that the TARGET and PACKET columns are not generated when this mode is active since the items are fully qualified.
Don’t output the list of input filenames at the top of each output file
Insert arbitrary text in the Telemetry Extractor output
Text also allows you to dynamically create Excel formulas using a special syntax
Parameter | Description | Required |
Header | The column header text | True |
Text | Text to put in the output file. The special character ‘%’ will be translated to the current row of the output file. This is useful for Excel formulas which need a reference to a cell. Remember the first two columns are typically the TARGET and PACKET and telemetry items start in column ‘C’ in Excel. | True |
Specify a telemetry item to extract
Parameter | Description | Required |
Target Name | Name of the telemetry target Valid Values: Any Target Name |
True |
Packet Name | Name of the telemetry packet | True |
Item Name | Name of the telemetry item | True |
Item Type | Type of the telemetry item Valid Values: CONVERTED, RAW, FORMATTED, WITH_UNITS |
False |
Example File
Example File: <Cosmos::USERPATH>/config/tools/tlm_extractor/tlm_extractor.txt
Command Line Parameters
Usage: ruby TlmExtractor [options]
-h, --help Show this message
-v, --version Show version
--system FILE Use an alternative system.txt file
-c, --config FILE Use the specified configuration file
--stylesheet FILE Use the specified stylesheet
Window Size Options:
--minimized Start the tool minimized
--maximized Start the tool maximized
--defaultsize Start the tool in its default size
--stay-on-top Force the tool to stay on top of all other windows
Window X & Y Position Options:
Positive values indicate a position from the top and left of the screen.
Negative values indicate a position from the bottom and right of the screen.
A value of -1 indicates to place the right or bottom side of the window
next to the right or bottom edge of the screen.
-x, --xpos VALUE Window X position
-y, --ypos VALUE Window Y position
Window Width and Height Options:
Specifing width and height will force the specified dimension.
Otherwise the window will layout according to its defaults.
-w, --width VALUE Window width
-t, --height VALUE Window height
Telemetry Extractor Specific Options:
-i, --input FILE Process the specified input file
-o, --output FILE Output results to the specified file
--dart Query Dart instead of files