Launcher Configuration
Launcher configuration files define the icons and buttons presented in the Launcher and define how programs are launched. These files are expected to be placed in the config/tools/launcher directory and have a .txt extension. The default configuration file is named launcher.txt.
To specify a different configuration file add ‘–config launcher.txt’ when starting the Launcher. For example, on Windows create a new Batch file at the top of your COSMOS configuration that looks like the following:
call tools\Launcher.bat --config launcher_config.txt
On Linux create a new executable file at the top of your COSMOS configuration that looks like the following:
ruby tools\Launcher --config launcher_config.txt
Sets the title of the COSMOS Launcher
Parameter | Description | Required |
Title | Launcher title. Default is “COSMOS Launcher”. | True |
Sets the font used for tool buttons
Only set the TOOL_FONT once as the last encountered setting will apply to all button labels
Parameter | Description | Required |
Font Family | The font family to use Valid Values: Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Castellar, Centaur, Century, Chiller, Consolas, Constantia, Courier, Courier New, Dotum, Elephant, Euphemia, Fixedsys, Georgia, Impact, Lucida, Papyrus, Rockwell, Rod, System, Tahoma, Terminal, Times New Roman, Verdana, Wide Latin |
True |
Font Size | The size of the font in standard points | True |
Sets the font used for labels
Only set the LABEL_FONT once as the last encountered setting will apply to all text labels
Parameter | Description | Required |
Font Family | The font family to use Valid Values: Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Castellar, Centaur, Century, Chiller, Consolas, Constantia, Courier, Courier New, Dotum, Elephant, Euphemia, Fixedsys, Georgia, Impact, Lucida, Papyrus, Rockwell, Rod, System, Tahoma, Terminal, Times New Roman, Verdana, Wide Latin |
True |
Font Size | The size of the font in standard points | True |
Creates a label of text in the current font style
Parameter | Description | Required |
Text | The text of the label | True |
Creates a horizontal line between tools
Specifies how many launcher buttons should be created per row
Parameter | Description | Required |
Columns | The number of launcher buttons per row before Launcher automatically creates a new row of buttons. Default is 4. | True |
Create a new tool launcher button
Parameter | Description | Required |
Button Text | Label that is put on the button that launches the tool | True |
Shell Command | Command that is executed to launch the tool. (The same thing you would type at a command terminal). Note that you can include tool parameters here which will be applied when the tool starts. COSMOS defines three helper keywords to execute tools - LAUNCH, LAUNCH_TERMINAL, and LAUNCH_GEM. LAUNCH starts a GUI Ruby tool without a terminal. LAUNCH_TERMINAL starts a Ruby tool with a terminal window. LAUNCH_GEM launches a Ruby tool distributed with a gem. | True |
Icon Filename | Filename of a an icon located in the data directory. Passing ‘nil’ or an empty string ‘’ will result in Launcher using the default COSMOS icon. | False |
Tool Parameters | Tool parameters as you would type on the command line. Specifying parameters here rather than in the ‘Shell Command’ parameter will cause a dialog box to appear which allows the user to edit parameters if desired. Expected to be in parameter name/parameter value pairs, e.g. –config filename.txt. Warning: The full configuration option name must be used rather than the short name. These parameters will override any parameters specified in the Shell Command. |
False |
Creates a button which launches multiple tools
Parameter | Description | Required |
Button Text | Label that is put on the button that launches the tools | True |
Icon Filename | Filename of a an icon located in the data directory. Passing ‘nil’ or an empty string ‘’ will result in Launcher using the default COSMOS icon. | False |
Ends the creation of a multi-tool button
Automatically installs COSMOS tool gems
Traverses the installed rubygems looking for COSMOS gems named cosmos-xxxx.gem. If the gem has a tools directory, the tool launcher will be added as a TOOL in the Launcher.
TOOL Modifiers
The following keywords must follow a TOOL keyword.
Don’t capture IO when running the command
The following keywords must follow a MULTITOOL_START keyword.
Create a new tool launcher button
Parameter | Description | Required |
Shell Command | Command that is executed to launch the tool. (The same thing you would type at a command terminal). Note that you can include tool parameters here which will be applied when the tool starts. COSMOS defines three helper keywords to execute tools - LAUNCH, LAUNCH_TERMINAL, and LAUNCH_GEM. LAUNCH starts a GUI Ruby tool without a terminal. LAUNCH_TERMINAL starts a Ruby tool with a terminal window. LAUNCH_GEM launches a Ruby tool distributed with a gem. | True |
Inserts a delay between launching multiple tools
Parameter | Description | Required |
Delay | Delay time in seconds | True |
Example File
Example File: <Cosmos::USERPATH>/config/tools/launcher/launcher.txt
TITLE "Demo Launcher"
FONT tahoma 12
TOOL "RUBYW tools/CmdTlmServer -x 827 -y 2 -w 756 -t 475 -c cmd_tlm_server.txt"
TOOL "RUBYW tools/TlmViewer -x 827 -y 517 -w 424 -t 111"
TOOL "RUBYW tools/PacketViewer -x 827 -y 669 -w 422 -t 450"
TOOL "RUBYW tools/ScriptRunner -x 4 -y 2 -w 805 -t 545"
TOOL "RUBYW tools/CmdSender -x 4 -y 586 -w 805 -t 533"
TOOL "Command and Telemetry Server" "RUBYW tools/CmdTlmServer" "cts.png" --config cmd_tlm_server.txt
TOOL "Limits Monitor" "RUBYW tools/LimitsMonitor" "limits_monitor.png"
LABEL "Commanding and Scripting"
TOOL "Command Sender" "RUBYW tools/CmdSender" "cmd_sender.png"
TOOL "Script Runner" "RUBYW tools/ScriptRunner" "script_runner.png"
TOOL "Test Runner" "RUBYW tools/TestRunner" "test_runner.png"
LABEL Telemetry
TOOL "Packet Viewer" "RUBYW tools/PacketViewer" "packet_viewer.png"
TOOL "Telemetry Viewer" "RUBYW tools/TlmViewer" "tlm_viewer.png"
TOOL "Telemetry Grapher" "RUBYW tools/TlmGrapher" "tlm_grapher.png"
TOOL "Data Viewer" "RUBYW tools/DataViewer" "data_viewer.png"
LABEL Utilities
TOOL "Telemetry Extractor" "RUBYW tools/TlmExtractor" "tlm_extractor.png"
TOOL "Command Extractor" "RUBYW tools/CmdExtractor" "cmd_extractor.png"
TOOL "Handbook Creator" "RUBYW -Ku tools/HandbookCreator" "handbook_creator.png"
TOOL "Table Manager" "RUBYW tools/TableManager" "table_manager.png"
Command Line Parameters
Usage: ruby Launcher [options]
-h, --help Show this message
-v, --version Show version
--system FILE Use an alternative system.txt file
-c, --config FILE Use the specified configuration file
--stylesheet FILE Use the specified stylesheet
Window Size Options:
--minimized Start the tool minimized
--maximized Start the tool maximized
--defaultsize Start the tool in its default size
--stay-on-top Force the tool to stay on top of all other windows
Window X & Y Position Options:
Positive values indicate a position from the top and left of the screen.
Negative values indicate a position from the bottom and right of the screen.
A value of -1 indicates to place the right or bottom side of the window
next to the right or bottom edge of the screen.
-x, --xpos VALUE Window X position
-y, --ypos VALUE Window Y position
Window Width and Height Options:
Specifing width and height will force the specified dimension.
Otherwise the window will layout according to its defaults.
-w, --width VALUE Window width
-t, --height VALUE Window height
Launcher Specific Options:
-m, --mini Create mini launcher