Limits Monitor
This document describes Limits Monitor configuration file and command line parameters.
Ignore a particular telemetry item
Parameter | Description | Required |
Target Name | Name of the telemetry target Valid Values: Any Target Name |
True |
Packet Name | Name of the telemetry packet | True |
Item Name | Name of the telemetry item | True |
Ignore all telemetry items for a specified packet
Parameter | Description | Required |
Target Name | Name of the telemetry target Valid Values: Any Target Name |
True |
Packet Name | Name of the telemetry packet | True |
Ignore the staleness of a specified packet
Note that only the packet staleness is ignored. If the packet is received and an item is out-of-limits, that will still count against the overall system limits state unless the item or packet is separately ignored with the IGNORE_ITEM or IGNORE_PACKET keyword.
Parameter | Description | Required |
Target Name | Name of the telemetry target Valid Values: Any Target Name |
True |
Packet Name | Name of the telemetry packet | True |
Use a color-blind accessibility mode
Color blind mode causes the value for out-of-limits items to have a code appended to indicate the limits status. The code is r = red low, y = yellow low, g = green low, B = blue, G = green or green high, Y = yellow high, R = red high.
Ignore GREEN_HIGH or GREEN_LOW limits states
Items with operational limits will only show up in limits monitor if they go yellow or red
Command Line Parameters
Usage: ruby LimitsMonitor [options]
-h, --help Show this message
-v, --version Show version
--system FILE Use an alternative system.txt file
-c, --config FILE Use the specified configuration file
--stylesheet FILE Use the specified stylesheet
Window Size Options:
--minimized Start the tool minimized
--maximized Start the tool maximized
--defaultsize Start the tool in its default size
--stay-on-top Force the tool to stay on top of all other windows
Window X & Y Position Options:
Positive values indicate a position from the top and left of the screen.
Negative values indicate a position from the bottom and right of the screen.
A value of -1 indicates to place the right or bottom side of the window
next to the right or bottom edge of the screen.
-x, --xpos VALUE Window X position
-y, --ypos VALUE Window Y position
Window Width and Height Options:
Specifing width and height will force the specified dimension.
Otherwise the window will layout according to its defaults.
-w, --width VALUE Window width
-t, --height VALUE Window height
Limits Monitor Specific Options:
--replay Start Limits Monitor in Replay mode