
Handbook Creator

This document describes Handbook Creator configuration file and command line parameters.


Create a new top level webpage

Parameter Description Required
Filename Name of the HTML file True


Create a new webpage for each of the defined TARGETS

The page will be generated for each target. A top level “Targets” drop down will be created with links to all the generated target pages.

Parameter Description Required
Filename Postfix The postfix will be applied to each generated target file. For example, a target named INST with a postfix of ‘_cmd_tlm.html’ will result in a file named ‘inst_cmd_tlm.html’. True

PAGE Modifiers

The following keywords must follow a PAGE keyword.


Indicates this page should not be generated when building the PDF

Handbook Creator can create webpages and export them to PDFs. Use this keyword when you have an index webpage or another page for which you do not want a PDF created.


Defines an HTML ERB template which is used to create the PDF cover page

The template is simply HTML tags which can reference ‘title’ set by this keyword from ERB context

Parameter Description Required
Filename Name of the HTML ERB template file which is found in the config/tools/handbook_creator/templates directory. True
Title Text Title text which is accessable in the template True


Insert the PDF table of contents

The table of contents is generated from the XSL templated found in config/tools/handbook_creator/default_toc.xsl


Defines an HTML ERB template which is used to create the header on each PDF page

The template is simply HTML tags which can reference ‘title’ set by this keyword from ERB context

Parameter Description Required
Filename Name of the HTML ERB template file which is found in the config/tools/handbook_creator/templates directory. True
Title Text Title text which is accessable in the template True

Defines an HTML ERB template which is used to create the footer on each PDF page

The template is simply HTML tags which can reference ‘title’ set by this keyword from ERB context

Parameter Description Required
Filename Name of the HTML ERB template file which is found in the config/tools/handbook_creator/templates directory. True
Title Text Title text which is accessable in the template True


The margin from the top of the PDF page before the header

Parameter Description Required
Margin The margin in pixels True


The margin below the footer to the bottom of the PDF page

Parameter Description Required
Margin The margin in pixels True


The margin on both sides on the PDF page

Parameter Description Required
Margin The margin in pixels True


Specify a target which this page is generated for

Parameter Description Required
Target The target name

Valid Values: Any Target Name


Define a page SECTION

Parameter Description Required
Filename Name of the HTML ERB template file which is found in the config/tools/handbook_creator/templates directory. True
Output What output formats should contain this section

Valid Values: ALl, HTML, PDF
Title Text Title text which is accessable in the template False


Define a page SECTION which is generated for all command packets

Parameter Description Required
Filename Name of the HTML ERB template file which is found in the config/tools/handbook_creator/templates directory. True
Output What output formats should contain this section

Valid Values: ALl, HTML, PDF
Title Text Title text which is accessable in the template False


Define a page SECTION which is generated for all telemetry packets

Parameter Description Required
Filename Name of the HTML ERB template file which is found in the config/tools/handbook_creator/templates directory. True
Output What output formats should contain this section

Valid Values: ALl, HTML, PDF
Title Text Title text which is accessable in the template False

Command Line Parameters

Usage: ruby HandbookCreator [options]

    -h, --help                       Show this message
    -v, --version                    Show version
        --system FILE                Use an alternative system.txt file
    -c, --config FILE                Use the specified configuration file
        --stylesheet FILE            Use the specified stylesheet

Window Size Options:
        --minimized                  Start the tool minimized
        --maximized                  Start the tool maximized
        --defaultsize                Start the tool in its default size
        --stay-on-top                Force the tool to stay on top of all other windows

Window X & Y Position Options:
  Positive values indicate a position from the top and left of the screen.
  Negative values indicate a position from the bottom and right of the screen.
  A value of -1 indicates to place the right or bottom side of the window
  next to the right or bottom edge of the screen.
    -x, --xpos VALUE                 Window X position
    -y, --ypos VALUE                 Window Y position

Window Width and Height Options:
  Specifing width and height will force the specified dimension.
  Otherwise the window will layout according to its defaults.
    -w, --width VALUE                Window width
    -t, --height VALUE               Window height