- TABLE Modifiers
- PARAMETER Modifiers
- Example File
- Command Line Parameters
Table Manager
This document describes Table Manager configuration file and command line parameters.
Specify another file to open and process for table definitions
Parameter | Description | Required |
File Name | Name of the file. The file will be looked for in the directory of the current definition file. | True |
Start a new table definition
Parameter | Description | Required |
Name | Name of the table in quotes. The name will appear on the GUI tab. | True |
Endianness | Indicates if the data in this table is in Big Endian or Little Endian format Valid Values: BIG_ENDIAN, LITTLE_ENDIAN |
True |
Display | Indicates the table is a ONE_DIMENSIONAL table which is a two column table consisting of unique rows, or a TWO_DIMENSIONAL table with multiple columns and identical rows with unique values Valid Values: ONE_DIMENSIONAL, TWO_DIMENSIONAL |
False |
When Display is ONE_DIMENSIONAL the remaining parameters are:
Description | Description of the table in quotes. The description is used in mouseover popups and status line information. | False |
When Display is TWO_DIMENSIONAL the remaining parameters are:
Rows | The number of rows in the table | False |
Description | Description of the table in quotes. The description is used in mouseover popups and status line information. | False |
Select an existing table for editing, typically done to override an existing definition
Parameter | Description | Required |
Table | The name of the existin table | True |
TABLE Modifiers
The following keywords must follow a TABLE keyword.
Defines a parameter in the current table
Parameter | Description | Required |
Name | Name of the parameter. Must be unique within the table. | True |
Bit Offset | Bit offset into the table of the Most Significant Bit of this parameter. May be negative to indicate on offset from the end of the table. Always use a bit offset of 0 for derived parameters. | True |
Bit Size | Bit size of this parameter. Zero or Negative values may be used to indicate that a string fills the packet up to the offset from the end of the packet specified by this value. If Bit Offset is 0 and Bit Size is 0 then this is a derived parameter and the Data Type must be set to ‘DERIVED’. | True |
Data Type | Data Type of this parameter Valid Values: INT, UINT, FLOAT, DERIVED, STRING, BLOCK |
True |
When Data Type is INT, UINT, FLOAT, DERIVED the remaining parameters are:
Minimum Value | Minimum allowed value for this parameter | True |
Maximum Value | Maximum allowed value for this parameter | True |
Default Value | Default value for this parameter. You must provide a default but if you mark the parameter REQUIRED then scripts will be forced to specify a value. | True |
Description | Description for this parameter which must be enclosed with quotes | False |
Endianness | Indicates if the data in this command is to be sent in Big Endian or Little Endian format Valid Values: BIG_ENDIAN, LITTLE_ENDIAN |
False |
When Data Type is STRING, BLOCK the remaining parameters are:
Default Value | Default value for this parameter. You must provide a default but if you mark the parameter REQUIRED then scripts will be forced to specify a value. | True |
Description | Description for this parameter which must be enclosed with quotes | False |
Endianness | Indicates if the data in this command is to be sent in Big Endian or Little Endian format Valid Values: BIG_ENDIAN, LITTLE_ENDIAN |
False |
Defines a parameter in the current table
Parameter | Description | Required |
Name | Name of the parameter. Must be unique within the table. | True |
Bit Size | Bit size of this parameter. Zero or Negative values may be used to indicate that a string fills the packet up to the offset from the end of the packet specified by this value. If Bit Offset is 0 and Bit Size is 0 then this is a derived parameter and the Data Type must be set to ‘DERIVED’. | True |
Data Type | Data Type of this parameter Valid Values: INT, UINT, FLOAT, DERIVED, STRING, BLOCK |
True |
When Data Type is INT, UINT, FLOAT, DERIVED the remaining parameters are:
Minimum Value | Minimum allowed value for this parameter | True |
Maximum Value | Maximum allowed value for this parameter | True |
Default Value | Default value for this parameter. You must provide a default but if you mark the parameter REQUIRED then scripts will be forced to specify a value. | True |
Description | Description for this parameter which must be enclosed with quotes | False |
Endianness | Indicates if the data in this command is to be sent in Big Endian or Little Endian format Valid Values: BIG_ENDIAN, LITTLE_ENDIAN |
False |
When Data Type is STRING, BLOCK the remaining parameters are:
Default Value | Default value for this parameter. You must provide a default but if you mark the parameter REQUIRED then scripts will be forced to specify a value. | True |
Description | Description for this parameter which must be enclosed with quotes | False |
Endianness | Indicates if the data in this command is to be sent in Big Endian or Little Endian format Valid Values: BIG_ENDIAN, LITTLE_ENDIAN |
False |
The following keywords must follow a PARAMETER keyword.
Adds printf style formatting
Parameter | Description | Required |
Format | How to format using printf syntax. For example, ‘0x%0X’ will display the value in hex. | True |
Example Usage:
Add displayed units
Parameter | Description | Required |
Full Name | Full name of the units type, e.g. Celsius | True |
Abbreviated | Abbreviation for the units, e.g. C | True |
Example Usage:
UNITS Celsius C
UNITS Kilometers KM
Override the defined description
Parameter | Description | Required |
Value | The new description | True |
Stores custom user metadata
Meta data is user specific data that can be used by custom tools for various purposes. One example is to store additional information needed to generate source code header files.
Parameter | Description | Required |
Meta Name | Name of the metadata to store | True |
Meta Values | One or more values to be stored for this Meta Name | False |
Example Usage:
META TEST "This parameter is for test purposes only"
This item is allowed to overlap other items in the packet
If an item’s bit offset overlaps another item, COSMOS issues a warning. This keyword explicitly allows an item to overlap another and supresses the warning message.
Parameter is required to be populated in scripts
When sending the command via Script Runner a value must always be given for the current command parameter. This prevents the user from relying on a default value. Note that this does not affect Command Sender which will still populate the field with the default value provided in the PARAMETER definition.
Override the defined minimum value
Parameter | Description | Required |
Value | The new minimum value for the parameter | True |
Override the defined maximum value
Parameter | Description | Required |
Value | The new maximum value for the parameter | True |
Override the defined default value
Parameter | Description | Required |
Value | The new default value for the parameter | True |
Defines a key/value pair for the current command parameter
Key value pairs allow for user friendly strings. For example, you might define states for ON = 1 and OFF = 0. This allows the word ON to be used rather than the number 1 when sending the command parameter and allows for much greater clarity and less chance for user error.
Parameter | Description | Required |
Key | The string state name | True |
Value | The numerical state value | True |
Hazardous | Indicates the state is hazardous. This will cause a popup to ask for user confirmation when sending this command. Valid Values: HAZARDOUS |
False |
Hazardous Description | String describing why this state is hazardous | False |
Example Usage:
APPEND_PARAMETER ENABLE 32 UINT 0 1 0 "Enable setting"
STATE "ARM LASER" "ARM LASER" HAZARDOUS "Arming the laser is an eye safety hazard"
Applies a conversion when writing the current command parameter
Conversions are implemented in a custom Ruby file which should be located in the target’s lib folder and required by the target’s target.txt file (see REQUIRE). The class must require ‘cosmos/conversions/conversion’ and inherit from Conversion. It must implement the initialize method if it takes extra parameters and must always implement the call method. The conversion factor is applied to the value entered by the user before it is written into the binary command packet and sent.
Multiple write conversions on command parameters
When a command is built, each item gets written (and write conversions are run) to set the default value. Then items are written (again write conversions are run) with user provided values. Thus write conversions can be run twice. Also there are no guarantees which parameters have already been written. The packet itself has a given_values() method which can be used to retrieve a hash of the user provided values to the command. That can be used to check parameter values passed in.
Parameter | Description | Required |
Class File Name | The file name which contains the Ruby class. The file name must be named after the class such that the class is a CamelCase version of the underscored file name. For example, ‘the_great_conversion.rb’ should contain ‘class TheGreatConversion’. | True |
Parameter | Additional parameter values for the conversion which are passed to the class constructor. | False |
Example Usage:
WRITE_CONVERSION the_great_conversion.rb 1000
Defined in the_great_conversion.rb:
require 'cosmos/conversions/conversion'
module Cosmos
class TheGreatConversion < Conversion
def initialize(multiplier)
@multiplier = multiplier.to_f
def call(value, packet, buffer)
return value * multiplier
Adds a polynomial conversion factor to the current command parameter
The conversion factor is applied to the value entered by the user before it is written into the binary command packet and sent.
Parameter | Description | Required |
C0 | Coefficient | True |
Cx | Additional coefficient values for the conversion. Any order polynomial conversion may be used so the value of ‘x’ will vary with the order of the polynomial. Note that larger order polynomials take longer to process than shorter order polynomials, but are sometimes more accurate. | False |
Example Usage:
Adds a segmented polynomial conversion factor to the current command parameter
This conversion factor is applied to the value entered by the user before it is written into the binary command packet and sent.
Parameter | Description | Required |
Lower Bound | Defines the lower bound of the range of values that this segmented polynomial applies to. Is ignored for the segment with the smallest lower bound. | True |
C0 | Coefficient | True |
Cx | Additional coefficient values for the conversion. Any order polynomial conversion may be used so the value of ‘x’ will vary with the order of the polynomial. Note that larger order polynomials take longer to process than shorter order polynomials, but are sometimes more accurate. | False |
Example Usage:
SEG_POLY_WRITE_CONVERSION 0 10 0.5 0.25 # Apply the conversion to all values < 50
SEG_POLY_WRITE_CONVERSION 50 11 0.5 0.275 # Apply the conversion to all values >= 50 and < 100
SEG_POLY_WRITE_CONVERSION 100 12 0.5 0.3 # Apply the conversion to all values >= 100
Start a generic write conversion
Adds a generic conversion function to the current command parameter. This conversion factor is applied to the value entered by the user before it is written into the binary command packet and sent. The conversion is specified as ruby code that receives two implied parameters. ‘value’ which is the raw value being written and ‘packet’ which is a reference to the command packet class (Note, referencing the packet as ‘myself’ is still supported for backwards compatibility). The last line of ruby code given should return the converted value. The GENERIC_WRITE_CONVERSION_END keyword specifies that all lines of ruby code for the conversion have been given.
Multiple write conversions on command parameters
When a command is built, each item gets written (and write conversions are run) to set the default value. Then items are written (again write conversions are run) with user provided values. Thus write conversions can be run twice. Also there are no guarantees which parameters have already been written. The packet itself has a given_values() method which can be used to retrieve a hash of the user provided values to the command. That can be used to check parameter values passed in.
Generic conversions are not a good long term solution. Consider creating a conversion class and using WRITE_CONVERSION instead. WRITE_CONVERSION is easier to debug and higher performance.
Example Usage:
(value * 1.5).to_i # Convert the value by a scale factor
Complete a generic write conversion
Set the behavior when writing a value overflows the type
By default COSMOS throws an error if you try to write a value which overflows its specified type, e.g. writing 255 to a 8 bit signed value. Setting the overflow behavior also allows for COSMOS to ‘TRUNCATE’ the value by eliminating any high order bits. You can also set ‘SATURATE’ which causes COSMOS to replace the value with the maximum or minimum allowable value for that type. Finally you can specify ‘ERROR_ALLOW_HEX’ which will allow for a maximum hex value to be writen, e.g. you can successfully write 255 to a 8 bit signed value.
Parameter | Description | Required |
Behavior | How COSMOS treats an overflow value. Only applies to signed and unsigned integer data types. Valid Values: ERROR, ERROR_ALLOW_HEX, TRUNCATE, SATURATE |
True |
Example Usage:
Indicates that the parameter should not be shown to the user in the Table Manager GUI
Hidden parameters still exist and will be saved to the resulting binary. This is useful for padding and other essential but non-user editable fields.
Indicates that the parameter should be shown to the user but not editable.
Uneditable parameters are useful for control fields which the user may be interested in but should not be able to edit.
Example File
Example File: <Cosmos::USERPATH>/config/tools/table_manager/ExampleTableDefinition.txt
# Define tables by: TABLE, name, description, endian
# name and description are strings contained in double quotes
# endian is either BIG_ENDIAN or LITTLE_ENDIAN
TABLE "Master Table Map" "The one table to rule them all" ONE_DIMENSIONAL BIG_ENDIAN 1
# Each element in a UNIQUE table is defined as follows:
# name, description, type, bit size, display type, min, max, default
# type must be INT or UNIT
# display type must be DEC, HEX, STATE
# add -U to make DEC or HEX uneditable, i.e. DEC-U or HEX-U
# if min or max are too large for the type they will be set to the types max
PARAMETER "Param1" "The first parameter" INT 32 STATE 0 1 0
PARAMETER "Param2" "The second parameter" INT 32 STATE 0 1 1
PARAMETER "Param3" "The third parameter" STRING 80 STRING ""
PARAMETER "Param4" "The fourth parameter" UINT 8 HEX MIN MAX MAX
PARAMETER "PAD" "Unused padding" INT 576 HEX-U 0 0 0
TABLE "Trailer" "Data appended to a table file" ONE_DIMENSIONAL BIG_ENDIAN 2
PARAMETER "File ID" "Uneditable file id" UINT 16 DEC-U 0 65535 4
PARAMETER "Version ID" "User defined version id" UINT 16 DEC MIN_UINT16 MAX_UINT16 1
PARAMETER "CRC32" "Auto-generated CRC" UINT 32 HEX-U MIN MAX 0
Command Line Parameters
Usage: ruby TableManager [options]
-h, --help Show this message
-v, --version Show version
--system FILE Use an alternative system.txt file
--config FILE Use the specified configuration file
--stylesheet FILE Use the specified stylesheet
Window Size Options:
--minimized Start the tool minimized
--maximized Start the tool maximized
--defaultsize Start the tool in its default size
--stay-on-top Force the tool to stay on top of all other windows
Window X & Y Position Options:
Positive values indicate a position from the top and left of the screen.
Negative values indicate a position from the bottom and right of the screen.
A value of -1 indicates to place the right or bottom side of the window
next to the right or bottom edge of the screen.
-x, --xpos VALUE Window X position
-y, --ypos VALUE Window Y position
Window Width and Height Options:
Specifing width and height will force the specified dimension.
Otherwise the window will layout according to its defaults.
-w, --width VALUE Window width
-t, --height VALUE Window height
Table Manager Specific Options:
-n, --notables Do not include table file editing options. This will remove the 'Table' menu.
-c, --create FILE Use the specified definition file to create the table
-o, --output DIRECTORY Create files in the specified directory (required with --create)
--convert FILE Convert the specified configuration file to the new format