
Developing COSMOS

Getting Started

So you want to help develop COSMOS? All of our open source COSMOS code is on Github so the first thing to do is get an account. Next clone the COSMOS repository. We do most of our development internally and then push to the master branch on Github. We accept contributions from others as Pull Requests.

Development Tools

The core COSMOS team develops with the Visual Studio Code editor and we highly recommend it. We also utilize a number of extensions including cosmos, docker, kubernetes, gitlens, prettier, eslint, python, vetur, and ruby. We commit our cosmos.code-workspace configuration for VSCode to help configure these plugins. You also need Docker Desktop which you should already have as it is a requirement to run COSMOS. You’ll also need NodeJS and yarn installed.

Building COSMOS

Note: We primarily develop COSMOS in Windows so the commands here will reference batch files but the same files exist in Linux as shell scripts.

Build COSMOS using the cosmos-control.bat script:

> cosmos-control.bat build

This will pull all the COSMOS container dependencies and build our local containers. Note: This can take a long time especially for your first build!

Once the build completes you can see the built images with the following command:

> docker image ls | findstr "cosmosc2"
ballaerospace/cosmosc2-minio-init          latest   157c0e3ce8f9   41 minutes ago   136MB
ballaerospace/cosmosc2-operator            latest   4c71eea95327   41 minutes ago   130MB
ballaerospace/cosmosc2-init                latest   1c32f1969f48   41 minutes ago   142MB
ballaerospace/cosmosc2-cmd-tlm-api         latest   8a722d0403e9   51 minutes ago   150MB
ballaerospace/cosmosc2-script-runner-api   latest   a6d22f485c2a   52 minutes ago   146MB
ballaerospace/cosmosc2-redis               latest   6531a6973dc9   53 minutes ago   105MB
ballaerospace/cosmosc2-base                latest   04fd53ad0402   53 minutes ago   130MB

Running COSMOS

Running COSMOS in development mode enables localhost access to internal API ports as well as sets RAILS_ENV=development in the cmd-tlm-api and script-runner-api Rails servers. To run in development mode:

> cosmos-control.bat dev

You can now see the running containers (I removed CONTAINER ID, CREATED and STATUS to save space):

> docker ps
IMAGE                                             COMMAND                  PORTS                      NAMES
ballaerospace/cosmosc2-cmd-tlm-api:latest         "/sbin/tini -- rails…">2901/tcp   cosmos_cosmos-cmd-tlm-api_1
ballaerospace/cosmosc2-script-runner-api:latest   "/sbin/tini -- rails…">2902/tcp   cosmos_cosmos-script-runner-api_1
ballaerospace/cosmosc2-traefik:latest             "/entrypoint.sh trae…">80/tcp       cosmos_cosmos-traefik_1
ballaerospace/cosmosc2-operator:latest            "/sbin/tini -- ruby …"                              cosmos_cosmos-operator_1
minio/minio:RELEASE.2021-10-27T16-29-42Z          "/usr/bin/docker-ent…">9000/tcp   cosmos_cosmos-minio_1
ballaerospace/cosmosc2-redis:latest               "docker-entrypoint.s…">6379/tcp   cosmos_cosmos-redis_1

If you go to localhost:2900 you should see COSMOS up and running!

Running a Frontend Application

So now that you have COSMOS up and running how do you develop an individual COSMOS application?

  1. Bootstrap the frontend with yarn

     cosmos-init> yarn
  2. Serve a local COSMOS application (CmdTlmServer, ScriptRunner, etc)

     cosmos-init> cd plugins/packages/cosmosc2-tool-scriptrunner
     cosmosc2-tool-scriptrunner> yarn serve
     DONE  Compiled successfully in 128722ms
     App running at:
     - Local:   http://localhost:2914/tools/scriptrunner/
     - Network: http://localhost:2914/tools/scriptrunner/
     Note that the development build is not optimized.
     To create a production build, run npm run build.
  3. Set the single SPA override for the application

    Visit localhost:2900 and Right-click ‘Inspect’
    In the console paste:

     localStorage.setItem('devtools', true)

    Refresh and you should see {...} in the bottom right
    Click the Default button next to the application (@cosmosc2/tool-scriptrunner)
    Paste in the development path which is dependent on the port returned by the local yarn serve and the tool name (scriptrunner)

  4. Refresh the page and you should see your local copy of the application (Script Runner in this example). If you dynamically add code (like console.log) the yarn window should re-compile and the browser should refresh displaying your new code. It is highly recommended to get familiar with your browser’s development tools if you plan to do frontend development.

Running a Backend Server

If the code you want to develop is the cmd-tlm-api or script-runner-api backend servers there are several steps to enable access to a development copy.

  1. Run a development version of traefik. COSMOS uses traefik to direct API requests to the correct locations.

    > cd cosmos-traefik
    traefik> docker ps
    # Look for the container with name including traefik
    traefik> docker stop cosmos_cosmos-traefik_1
    traefik> docker build -f Dockerfile-dev -t cosmos-traefik-dev .
    traefik> docker run --network=cosmos_default -p 2900:80 -it --rm cosmos-traefik-dev
  2. Run a local copy of the cmd-tlm-api or script-runner-api

    > cd cosmos-cmd-tlm-api
    cosmos-cmd-tlm-api> docker ps
    # Look for the container with name including cmd-tlm-api
    cosmos-cmd-tlm-api> docker stop cosmos_cosmos-cmd-tlm-api_1
    # Set all the environment variables in the .env file
    cosmos-cmd-tlm-api> bundle install
    cosmos-cmd-tlm-api> bundle exec rails s
  3. Once the rails s command returns you should see API requests coming from interations in the frontend code. If you add code (like Ruby debugging statements) to the cmd-tlm-api code you need to stop the server (CTRL-C) and restart it to see the effect.