I am proud to announce the release of COSMOS 5 Alpha 1!
COSMOS 5 is a highly scalable, cloud native, command and control software system. This is a technology preview release meant to introduce all of the new technologies debuting in COSMOS 5.
New Technologies:
- Docker - COSMOS 5 runs across a set of containers managed by Docker
- Redis - Redis is used as a key-value store, and streaming data server
- Minio - Minio provides an S3 compatible file storage server
- EFK Stack - Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana - Provide a distributed logging solution
- Vue.js - Javascript technology used to build the new COSMOS user interface
Basic versions of the following COSMOS tools are included in this release:
- Command and Telemetry Server
- Command Sender
- Packet Viewer
- Telemetry Viewer
- Telemetry Grapher
- Script Runner
- Limits Monitor
- Docker - Running COSMOS 5 requires a working Docker installation. Typically Docker Desktop on Windows / Mac. Plain docker should work on linux. We’re currently only developing / running with Docker Desktop on Windows, so if you have any issues on another platform, please let us know by submitting a ticket!
Minimum Resources allocated to Docker: 4GB RAM, 1 CPU, 60GB Disk Recommended Resources allocated to Docker: 8GB RAM, 2+ CPUs, 100GB Disk
To Run:
- Download one of the archives (.zip or .tar.gz from the Github release page) Download Release Here
- Extract the archive somewhere on your host computer
- The COSMOS 5 containers are designed to work and be built in the presence of an SSL Decryption device. To support this a cacert.pem file can be placed at the base of the COSMOS 5 project that includes any certificates needed by your organization. If you don’t need this, then please ignore, but if you see any SSL errors, this is probably why.
- Run cosmos_start.bat (Windows), or cosmos_start.sh (linux/Mac)
- COSMOS 5 will be built and when ready should be running (~15 mins for first run, ~2 for subsequent)
- Connect a web browser to http://localhost:8080
- Have fun trying out COSMOS 5!