
Scopes can be thought of as a fully contained COSMOS installation. Any gems or plugins (and thus targets, interfaces, etc) installed to a scope are local to that scope. That means you can create multiple scopes for different test setups, programs, etc without complexifying or corrupting an existing COSMOS setup.

Creating and Using Scopes

To create a new scope you must have the super admin role. Go to the Admin page and select the Scopes tab. Click Add and create a new name for the Scope. A useful naming conventions could be “_", e.g. Gladiator_SWTB, Gladiator_TVAC, Gladiator_EMI, etc.

Once scopes are created the show up in the Scope drop down list. Selecting a different scope unloads all the plugins (target, interfaces, etc) from COSMOS and loads the new one. This is a significant operation in that we shut down all existing connections and microservices and start new ones. Plan on this taking a few minutes depending on the complexity of your scope (number of plugin targets and interfaces).